Shelley Atkinson


Our Progress




I've gone barking mad and I'm taking part in the PAWGUST challenge to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia.

Rain, hail or shine, this August I will be walking every single day!

Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! And with thousands of dogs being trained each year, every dollar counts. I need your help so that together, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog, has a Guide Dog.Ā 

Please make a donation to support my challenge today. Every bit counts.Ā 

My Achievements

Registered Added a profile picture Donated to myself Shared page on Facebook Shared page via email Halfway to $ target Reached $ target Logged first walk/run Invited a friend

Thank you to my SupPAWters


Don Atkinson


East Realty


Calley Homes

Your amazing girl! šŸ¾


Kelly Mcculloch

Just a little something to acknowledge your amazing effort in such a difficult time. Thinking of you xx


Nicky & Andrew

You are one amazing lady Shelley.


Teresa Sullivan


Joanna Jones

Go Shelley! You are so inspiring. I would love to join you and Peaches on a walk! xx


Team Hodgson

Awesome effort Shels


Jenny Hill

Your resilience & can do attitude is phenomenal & your generosity to help others even during your own challenges is so inspiring xx


Kylie & Ollie



Bayside Electrical Services

All the best Shelley!


Go Team Peaches - Ally, Jamie And Ralph Xx


Odette Keegan

Go team Peaches!!


Ingrid Hennessey


Vanessa Stevens

I’m up for going on walks with you if you need some company!



Good on you Shelley for giving this a go in such challenging circumstances!




Hayley Knowles


Mandy And The Awesome One Eyed Pilates Crew!


Jane And Gray Pieterse

Wonderful Shelley - we think you are incredible and just read your post. What an amazing cause. We love you very much and are thinking of you heaps x


Joy Selby

We are so very proud of you Shelley xx



So proud of what you’re doing Shells. You truly are inspirational. We love you ā¤ļø


Keryn Jarvis


Belinda Snaith

Go Shelley! You are amazing !!!!


Kate O'leary

Get better soon ā¤ļø‍šŸ©¹. Enjoy your walks. Peaches is beautiful šŸ‘.


Anthea Bryant

Got get ‘em Shelley! You are a gem. Xx


Sarah Alexander

Shelley, you continue to inspire and encourage no matter what you lend your hand or your heart to, sending you lots of love and lots of sunshine for your August walks ~ much love x x


Shelley Atkinson

My Updates

Walking with incentive!

Walking with incentive!Ā 

Iā€™ve accidentally smashed a few plates and glasses this weekend, cheered on the wrong kid at soccor ?? tripped over the puppy 100 times ?, stood on Lego, even walked into a glass door at Bayfair ???? (your allowed to laugh!) still managed to live as ā€œnormalā€ as I could.Ā 

Canā€™t begin to imagine if I couldnā€™t walk anywhere?Ā 

Blind dogs change lives.Ā 

Please help, BUT only if you have cents to spare ā€¦ it all truly helps xxĀ

After the beach walk!

First beach walk!

Peaches first Beach walk!

I feel so supported and encouraged with this fundraiser by the amount of messages and kind words from all my family and friends.Ā 
With little improvement on my eye I feels like even if I donā€™t get the results I want, the support will be there to get me through. Thank you everyone xxxĀ 

Picture of Peaches exhausted from her adventures!Ā 

Peaches first offical walk!

Peaches has received the vets okay after her vaccinations to walk outside. What better way to mark the occasion then with her first walk for guide dogs!

Peaches first offical walk!

We are walking for guide dogs this month. PAWGUST Blind Low Vision NZ

Thank you so much to everyone whoā€™s donated to our fundraiser! ?

It was Peaches ? first offical walk today and as fate had it we came across a guide dog on our travels. Just watching this dogs obedience and loyalty to ensure itā€™s owner was safe was remarkable. Mean while peaches was fascinated with pigeons and chewing everything!Ā 
#respectforthesepuppies #PAWGUST #thankyoufriends

My WHY ā€¦

Warning: Personal sop bla bla story to follow!Ā 

So here goes, Iā€™m the first to share hospice fundraisers and Iā€™m not afraid to ask for donations and gifts for my work, I truely do love my job and the people it helps BUT Iā€™m going to get out my comfort zone and share why this August Iā€™m supporting another cause. Blind Low VIsion NZ.Ā 

Close to 6 weeks ago out of the blue I suffered something called a vitreous haemorrhage in my right (good) eye. It caused me to loose ALL the sight leaving me with an eye thatā€™s not great on a good day. Itā€™s been tough, tested my strength, patience and trust. What has got me through is Blair, my family, friends, colleagues, Neigbhourā€™s, and volunteers with meals, calls, flowers, cards and truthful and warm words. Thank you ?Ā 

It only seems fitting that after cancelling a Disneyland trip on the boys and me being stuck not able to drive or work for a while, that Peaches come into our family. (Puppy!)Ā 
Ā Fate then flashed me a fundraiser that challenged me to walk your dog and do fitness every day for month of August to raise funds to train guide dogs for the blind. Ironic I know!Ā 

I needed motivation to move this month. Itā€™s tricky with one eye! Iā€™m hoping that some of you have a few cents to spare to support this awesome cause.Ā 

Iā€™m patched with an eye patch to help me out and challenging anyone to do a workout with an eye patch on! Send me a photo if you dare!Ā 

Iā€™ve had surgery two weeks ago and the specialist is hopeful I will regain some of my sight back, itā€™s a waiting game to see how much. Hopefully enough to drive!Ā 

My best buddies Pip Ann Holly Westerman Becky N Hilton Gardiner Blair Atkinson have joined the team and together we would like to try and make something positive happen out of this experience I wouldnā€™t wish on anyone and really feel for people living blind. Hopefully this little bit can help someone.Ā 

Thank you ???????

Photo: the day we went to pick Peaches! ?Ā