Caity Wilkie


Our Progress

Total minutes active


of 1,395 target




We've gone barking mad and we’re taking part in the PAWGUST challenge to help raise funds for Guide Dogs in New Zealand and Australia. 

Rain, hail or shine, this August we will be walking every single day!

Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! And with thousands of dogs being trained each year, every dollar counts. We need your help so that together, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog, has a Guide Dog. 

Please make a donation to support our challenge today. Every bit counts. Thank you! We appreciate everyone’s support <3>


We’re so excited to be participating in Pawgust again this year to try help raise vital funds for guide dogs. Pawgust is so important to us and holds a special place in our hearts. 

At the start of 2023, little Rafiki could barely walk. He limped awkwardly whenever he needed to go somewhere, was depressed, and spent most of his time sleeping. A visit to the vet revealed painful arthritis in both his back knees, a luxating patella in his right knee, and mild hip dysplasia. Rafiki’s medical journey began with weeks of bed rest, many many visits to the vet, and outings only in his doggy stroller. Slowly, we reintroduced short, easy walks - starting with just five minute walks with stroller breaks in between and gradually increasing until he could manage a 25 minute walk. 

By August, Rafiki was in a much better place, and Pawgust was the perfect challenge for us to walk at least 30 minutes each day while also being a great way to celebrate Rafiki’s progress. We ended up exceeding our Pawgust goals. We walked a total of 1,645 minutes compared to our target of 930. It was an incredible experience that strengthened our bond, immensely helped Rafiki on his recovery journey and created beautiful lasting memories. 

Now, Rafiki is the happiest little dog, living his best life. He eagerly anticipates his daily walks, and his stroller is rarely needed, except for visits to dog-friendly cafes. We are so proud of our little guy and can’t wait to take on Pawgust again this year and push ourselves even further.

My Achievements

Registered Added a profile picture Donated to myself Shared page on Facebook Shared page via email Halfway to $ target Reached $ target Logged first walk/run Invited a friend

Thank you to my SupPAWters


Caity Wilkie


Rolo And Jee

This is awesome, Caity and Rafiki! Best of luck!




Matched Donation




Matched Donation