Laura Baker


Our Progress

Total minutes active


of 1,550 target




I've gone barking mad, and I'm taking part in the PAWGUST challenge to raise funds for Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs.

Rain, hail or shine, this August, I will be pounding the pavement!

Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! With thousands of dogs being trained each year, every dollar counts. I need your help so that together, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog has a Guide Dog. 

Please make a donation to support my challenge today. Every bit counts. 

My Achievements

Registered Added a profile picture Donated to myself Shared page on Facebook Shared page via email Halfway to $ target Reached $ target Logged first walk/run Invited a friend

Thank you to my SupPAWters








Joyce Latham


Aidan Baker

Awesome Cause and good luck Laura! Beka+Aidan


Rae Mcdonald

Go Laura! 🥰💪 love Rae Rae x


Matched Donation




Matched Donation


Kadin C

Half way to the run goal and to the fundraising goal


Aime B



Go Laura! ❤️


Kyra Lindsey

Awesome Laura - what a great cause to support.


Dani C


Kyra Lindsey

you have done so well!


Christella Moors

Wow! 100 km! That will be a massive accomplishment! Good luck! Proud to support you with a small donation!


Amy Van Gemerden

Good luck! :)


Nikita Goosen

Good job Laura, you go girl! Greetings from the Netherlands! Nikita




Stephanie Baker

Woo! Go Laura! Well done! ❤️ xx


Matched Donation


Matched Donation


Shannon Baker

Good work Laura! Great cause x


Matched Donation


Tullia Wilson


Joyce Baker






Alyssa Vg

Wow you're doing amazing! A little donation from us. Xxx♥️




Sandy Inwood


Joyce Baker

And 1 for good luck 🎉🥳🤦‍♀️

My Updates

We did it!

$1001.00 raised and over 130km on the clock! Thank you everybody for your generous donations. We have made a real difference over the month of August. :-) See you again next year!

Last day of PAWGUST

A parkrun to finish my PAWGUST challenge! Thank you all for your support and encouragement! What an amazing job everybody has done raising funds for guide dogs! See you again next year!

Forest Run Fest

Great day for my last big race of PAWGUST! I have been recovering from shingles so took it easy but really enjoyed running through bottle lake forest.

Fun in the sun

Zone 2 run in sunny Rangiora. Thanks for the company, mum :-)


Phew, the weather was much nicer in Pegasus today for Parkrun. :-) Another 5KM clocked in!


Some days it’s hard to get out on a run! Managed to coax them with the promise (and delivery!) of treats and get out anyway.

It was sunny for 5 minutes!

Beautiful morning with a not so beautiful afternoon!

Pegasus Parkrun

A very misty morning for my local parkrun but another 5km to contribute to my target :-) I really enjoy taking part in parkrun on Saturday mornings and look forward to participating in different regions in NZ and abroad. So far, I have attended the Pegasus parkrun and one in Sydney.

I’m home!

Thank you all for your generous donations so far! If I haven’t touched base individually, know that it is much appreciated! A slower paced run this morning after completing my half on the weekend.

Taupo half marathon complete!

Stunner of a day in the beautiful lakes district. The Taupo marathon is easily one of the most scenic and well organised races I have taken part in and I would highly recommend it if you are keen to join in 2025!

Thunderbirds are go!

Day 1 and we’re off! A chilly one in North Canterbury but check out that sky!