Gwenda Cavanagh


Our Progress

Total minutes active


of 930 target




I've gone barking mad, and I'm taking part in the PAWGUST challenge to raise funds for Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs.

Rain, hail or shine, this August, I will be pounding the pavement!

Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! With thousands of dogs being trained each year, every dollar counts. I need your help so that together, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog has a Guide Dog. 

Please make a donation to support my challenge today. Every bit counts. 

My Achievements

Registered Added a profile picture Donated to myself Shared page on Facebook Shared page via email Halfway to $ target Reached $ target Logged first walk/run Invited a friend

Thank you to my SupPAWters


Dominique Greenslade

Really pleased you have decided to walk with Meg to raise funds for such a worthy cause. Best wishes and talk to you soon. Dominique


Gwenda Cavanagh


Rob & Lynne Agnew

Gwenda - Make sure you and Meg don't get distracted on your walks, and go off chasing those naughty bunnies on the Taylor River Reserve. All the best.


Elizabeth Johnson


Alan And Jean Pearce

Congratulations on a grand achievement.


Monique Porter

What a great cause. Good on you Mum


Hannah And Kent Arnott


Andrea Boult


Wendy - Well Done Gwenda


Jan Pigou


Aidan Cavanagh

Hope it's not a wet August!


Liz Walker

Doing this good cause in August means you’ll need to wrap up warm xx


Sharyn And Bran Porter

Well done and hope you and Meg raise lots of money.


Charmaine Nielsen

So proud of you and Meg!


Judy Burbidge

Congratulations on great achievement


Gina Botham

Awesome work Gwenda & Meg


Christine Campbell

Go Meg and Gwenda.


Eve Cullen

Such a good cause. Enjoy your walks.


Denise Dinmore


Bernie Mullen

awesome, go Gwenda


Eleanor Cole


Cheryl Clark

Go Gwenda and Meg!!


Eleanor Bensemann

Good on you, Gwenda! All the best


Ann Vautier


Joy And Mike Austin

Go Gwenda - great cause!


Maharey Family

Go Gwenda and Meg!! What a great cause! We’re sure that you’ll smash your target in no time! We’ll be praying for lots of sunny days! Well done, we’re already super proud of you both 😊


Ryan And Tracy Pigou

All the best Gwenda!

My Updates

Day 31

We made it! It has been a great pleasure to participate in our first PAWGUST and use our usual 2 walks a day to raise funds for Guide Dogs NZ. We've had many frosty mornings, rain, (no) hail, (wind off the) snow (on the ranges), mist and plenty of Marlborough sunshine. Meg couldn't resist a quick dip soon after we set out this afternoon. Our final PAWGUST walk was completed well before lightening and thunder arrived this evening. We took just over 49 hrs to complete 213.7kms & raised $1748.68 With an initial goal of $500 and 150 kms, we are delighted with our results. We are thrilled with the suppawt you, our family and friends, have shown to Guide Dogs NZ by suppawting us.

Day 30

We met our 150km fundraising goal one week ago and knowing we would hit the 200km mark on this morning's walk, I worked out beforehand about where we would be when we reached this target (near the Omaka rail bridge on our return leg). Meg was very cooperative while I took a selfie to record the moment as she thinks when I get down to her level it's an invitation to smooch! Clocked up another 8km altogether today. What a month it's been and now just one day to go!

Day 29

Some of this morning's walk was with Pete and wee Sam.  Sam is full of character for such a little dog.  
This afternoon rain was threatening so opted for a few circuits of Shep's Park.  Meg seemed more interested in eating grass than chasing the tennis ball so quite a bit of nagging was required to keep her moving round with me.

Day 28

Mild weather again today has made for very pleasant walks.  4.5kms this morning as we went a bit further past Wither Rd Ext by following George Conroy Rd out to Taylor Pass Rd then back to the river trail past the RDA entrance.  This afternoon was a leisurely walk from Meadowbank to the Dam & back.

Day 27

Enjoyed the company of Kathy with her dog Harry for part of this morning's walk.  Mild enough during this afternoon to not need lots of winter layers while out walking - a real taste of Spring in the air.

Day 26

Milder temps this morning and rain this afternoon for our walks today.  Meg was tempted to chase a black cat running across the RDA paddocks but thankfully obeyed my call to stay on our side of the fence!

Day 25

Day 25 of PAWGUST Back up to full speed and distance today as we go into the last few days of Pawgust. Added another 8km to our tally. As we headed along the Sutherland Stream trail this afternoon I couldn't resist getting Meg to pose for a sweet "it's almost Spring" photo which she did very nicely

Day 24

My cold is improving so getting back up to speed and distance - 2 uneventful walks today

Day 23

Reached our goal 1/2 through this morning's walk. This sign is 1.5km from home on the riverside trail that is such a wonderful and well used asset to Blenheim, the perfect spot to take a portrait of Meg to celebrate our achievement.

Day 22

Unlike yesterday it wasn't such a nice afternoon today for our 2nd walk of the day with cloud building and the wind blowing Meg's bandana inside out. The weather didn't stop Meg splashing around in the river with a stick - one of her favourite pastimes. Our walks are still shorter than usual with my cold being rather persistent but we managed 3km x2 and just have 1.3km to complete our goal.

Day 21

The morning frosts and beautiful days are back. Meg doesn't mind that each walk is a bit shorter than usual thanks to my lack of energy due to having a rather nasty cold - she's just happy to be out and about. At least we're still chipping away at the kms and should meet our goal tomorrow.

Day 20

Feeling lousy with a cold, both walks slightly under 1/2 hr each with a total kms of not quite 4 km.  Hopefully a bit more energy tomorrow.  Meg doesn't cope with too many shortened walks!

Day 19

Other than on the eastern seaward side Blenheim is surrounded by hills and mountains. The forecast snow arrived overnight - the most we've had all Winter. The Ned (the triangular peak to the left in this picture is due south and just over 900m high so the snow must have been down to 4-500m. Meg as always was completely impervious to the cold wind blowing off the snow.

Day 18

I don't like the perspective when taking photos on a phone but this shows how deserted the Taylor River walkway was this afternoon. Meg wasn't the slightest bit bothered by the light rain as I did battle with an umbrella in the wind. We only saw one cyclist and one other dog for the whole of our 3km walk!

Day 17

The rain hasn't eventuated so it was pleasant out for both walks today.  Meg usually gets her paws (or more) wet in the Taylor River and grabs a drink too.  

Day 16

On our morning walks we often meet Pete with his little dog Sam and Fred.  They both make a big fuss of Meg.  Today our walk was lengthened by about 15 mins as we met several other dog walkers we frequently meet and stopped for a chat with each one. Good to be half way through this challenge with 2/3 of our kms completed.

Day 15

One of our regular routes, usually in the morning takes us past firewood stores distributed by Lions and vegetable gardens that provide a wide range of fresh veges to the Community Foodbank.  Meg always enjoys fossicking around the firewood piles and rabbit proofed raised gardens.

Day 14

Two routine walks, with this morning's a bit longer than usual.  Just 1 km short of hitting the 100 km mark after 2 weeks - very pleased with the result though.

Day 13

The frosty mornings and mild afternoons continue, making for very pleasant walking conditions.

Day 12

Nothing new to report today.  Weather fairly mild again. Completed 7.9 kms between our 2 walks.

Day 11

So keen to enjoy the lovely mild almost Spring-like afternoon I forgot to put Meg's bandana on to go out along one of our most favourite trails which takes us across the flood control dam south of Blenheim.

Day 10

Blenheim is blessed to have an extensive river reserve recreation area that goes several kms from town to the Taylor Dam, most of which is off leash for dogs. I have been feeling much better today so Meg and I completed a fairly typical 7km over our 2 walks.

Day 9

With me feeling a bit under the weather a shorter walk this morning and another trip to a small reserve alongside a stream with the ball thrower again kept Meg happy

Day 8

It was a wet 4km walk this morning and with it still threatening rain this arvo headed to Shep's Park for plenty of aerobic exercise for Meg chasing a tennis ball, & plenty of other dogs to say hello to, while I slowly plodded around in my gumboots, clocking up just another 1.9 km - Meg probably 3 times that.

Day 7

First week completed, 50.3 kms clocked up - a 3rd of the way to our target distance, and one lost bandana (fortunately I had accidently received a 2nd one). Meg, like any self-respecting labrador does not have the words eat, taste, or savour in her vocabulary - she 'inhales' her dinner in record time after her afternoon walk!

Day 6

Usual frosty 4 km walk this morning.
Retraced our steps of yesterday's afternoon walk along Sutherland Stream in the hope of finding the lost bandana but no luck. For some unknown reason I received a 2nd t-shirt & bandana last week, both of which I was prepared to give away but will now keep the bandana which will be tied on just a little tighter now.

Day 5

The frosty mornings continue ... Meg managed to lose her bandana this afternoon... and I didn't even notice till we got home! Probably deliberate - there's a distinct look of resignation about her when I put it round her neck!

Day 4

Yet another chilly start for this morning's 4 km then a pleasant afternoon walk along a favourite trail - the Sutherland Stream Reserve. This 4.6km return walk includes a gentle incline to the southernmost end of the reserve against the hills and kind homeowners whose property borders the trail on the lower flat stretch always have this water bowl full. Great in the Summer. Meg always appreciates it as the stream is usually dry.

Day 3

Another very chilly start meant pawprints in the frost on the bridges we crossed during this morning's walk. Meg enjoyed a ball chasing session for this afternoon's 'walk' so not many kms clocked up by me but she probably did at least 2 1/2 times the distance I did. Am counting the kms I do for the purposes of the challenge as Meg will generally do more than me most of the time as she rarely just goes from A-B like I do. #PAWGUST2024 #PAWGUST @GuideDogsNZPAWGUST

Day 2

Chilly start with -3.2 deg that feels like -6 @ 8am and it did but then blessed with a beautiful day

Day 1 - My beautiful girl

Meg posed very nicely in the late afternoon sun which makes her glossy coat really glow as she is more coffee coloured than chocolate

Day 1

Meg wasn't impressed with my phaffing about to take a selfie before heading out this morning but did pose nicely 15 mins later then stood very proudly during our afternoon walk for yet another portrait.
Completed our usual 2 daily walks of 4 kms each so off to a good start.  Helped that the rain earlier in the week has stopped. When we met other regular walkers with their pups they noticed Meg's new attire - the bandana.  Good to have the opportunity to explain what we're doing. 

We're all(most) ready !!

Meg looks pretty smart wearing her bandana but I think her expression says something else!
Bit cold for me to wear the t-shirt.
I'm still grappling with programming the pawdometer. That's why we're not quite ready.
I've already worked out most of our regular walking routes are 3 1/2 to 4 km - a 45-50min walk which we do at least once & usually twice daily so roll on 1st August.
THANK YOU for the terrific suppawt you're giving Guide Dogs NZ as Meg & I use our walks to raise awareness of the work this amazing organisation does.
So far all those participating have collectively raised nearly $38000 & you're a part of that!
#Pawgust 2024